Mood difficulties

Depression and more

At Changeways Clinic we see individuals with the full range of mood-related concerns. On this page you can learn more about the types of mood problem. You’ll also find a list of resources you can access.

The Types of Mood Disorder

Our moods normally fluctuate over time and in response to life events, but when declines are especially long-lasting, intense, or seemingly independent of circumstance, they may be sufficiently troublesome that we can speak of the mood as being disordered.

There are three main types of mood disorder (plus some less frequent varieties not discussed here). Click on each to learn more.

  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Also known as unipolar depression, this is what we typically mean by “clinical depression.” This link also describes sub-clinical depression and provides links to videos discussing the various symptoms of depression.

  • Dysthymia. A type of mood difficulty that is usually less severe than MDD, but longer-lasting. A pattern of chronic low mood.

  • Bipolar Disorder. A problem characterized not only by extreme depressive “lows” but also by periods of heightened energy, activity, or thinking that may also be problematic in a person’s life.

In addition to these difficulties, everyone is likely to have some degree of low mood at some point during their lifetime. These may pass on their own, but you can often help them to the exit more quickly if you educate yourself about mood difficulties and put sustaining factors into your lifestyle. Psychotherapy may help this along.

Self Care for Depression

Ultimately, much of the hard work involved in overcoming depression is done by the individual him- or herself. Here we provide some self-care options. Click to learn more.

  • The Antidepressant Skills Workbook. A FREE self-help guide to mood difficulties co-authored by the director of Changeways Clinic. Available in English, French, Punjabi, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Farsi. Simply download and print the version of your choice.

As well, at Changeways Clinic we have developed a series of low-cost online courses for the public. These are NOT a substitute for care by a registered healthcare professional, but they can provide useful information about the nature of these difficulties. In all cases there is a free preview video describing the course contents. Please note: Clients of Changeways Clinic can receive access to these courses at no charge - please request from your provider.

  • What is Depression? A course describing the various types of mood difficulty, how they are diagnosed, and how common they are.

  • What Causes Depression? A course looking at the various risk factors for depression - and how these might relate to appropriate treatment strategies.

  • UnDoing Depression. A self-guided course on behavioural self-management of depression, with over 6 hours of video and a 100-page workbook. This resource can be a helpful adjunct to psychotherapy.